
Web Spreadsheets – Bundle

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Web Spreadsheets – Bundle

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This bundle comes standard with the following spreadsheets:

File NameFile TypeFile SizeFile Description
Account StatementMicrosoft Excel Worksheet68KBA statement of account is a detailed report of the contents of an account. An example is a statement sent to a customer, showing billings to and payments from the customer during a specific time period, resulting in an ending balance. The purpose of the statement is to remind a customer of sales on credit that have not yet been paid to the supplier. The statement is usually a printed document, but may also be sent electronically. Fields include: Company Name; Slogan and Logo; Statement Date; Statement Number; Customer ID; Bill to Address; Account Summary Info; Invoice Date; Invoice Number; Description; Charges; Credits; Total and Contact Information for the supplier's collections staff, in case the recipient wants to contact them to discuss the information on the statement. We offer nine color options included, or you can easily design to fit your needs.
BiWeekly Time SheetMicrosoft Excel Worksheet82KBA biweekly time sheet gives a reporting of time, scheduling and expense in regards to payroll processing. Fields include: Company Name; Slogan and Logo; Department, Employee ID; Employee; Employee's Phone Number; Email's Address; Manager's Name; Week Commencing; Week Ending; Project Name; Task, Days of the Week Hours Worked; Regular Hours; Overtime Hours; Sick; Vacation; Public Holidays; Other; Total Hours; Chart and Data; Employee's and Manager's Signature. We offer nine color options included, or you can easily design to fit your needs.
Job Creation ProjectionMicrosoft Excel Worksheet58KBThis spreadsheet provides a detailed analysis of the projection of jobs to be created from operation over a specified period of time. Fields include: Corporate Officers; Executive Officers; Administrative Staff; Warehouse Staff; Employee Totals; Hours per Week; Hourly Rate; Total per Week; Total per Month; Total per Year; Payroll Tax and Year over Year Staffing Projection.
Monthly BudgetMicrosoft Excel Worksheet79KBA monthly budget computes and compares monthly income less monthly living expenses. Fields include: Monthly Income, Home Expenses, Daily Living Expense; Transportation Expense, Health Expense, Holidays Expense; Dues & Subscriptions Expense; Financial Obligations Expense; Personal Expense; Entertainment Expense; Recreation and Miscellaneous Expenses.
Monthly Cashflow - Credit AnalysisMicrosoft Excel Worksheet66KBA monthly cash flow computes and compares monthly cash revenue to monthly expense to include credit/debt analysis. Fields include: Income; Expense; Credit/Debt; Assumptions Table; Amortization Table and Charts.
Net WorthMicrosoft Excel Worksheet41KBA net worth statement computes all your listed assets less all your listed liabilities. Fields include: Name; Date; Assets Listing (Cash, Investments, Personal Property); Liability Listing (Current Debts, Mortgage, Loans); and Charts.
Payroll CalculationMicrosoft Excel Worksheet87KBThis four-section workbook provides a detailed analysis of the projection of jobs to be created from operation over a specified period of time, an employee register, a payroll calculation and bi-weekly timesheet. From information supplied through job creation spreadsheet, you can use the time sheet to determine wages per pay period and flow this information into the employee register, thus calculating total company payroll per period, all with the use of this product package. Employee Register; Payroll Calculator; Individual Pay Stubs with Charting; Year-to-Date Payroll Calculation; and Federal Tax Tables included.
Workbooks included: Job Creation Analysis - Corporate Officers; Executive Officers; Administrative Staff; Warehouse Staff; Employee Totals; Hours per Week; Hourly Rate; Total per Week; Total per Month; Total per Year; Payroll Tax and Year over Year Staff Projection. Employee Register - Employee ID No.; Employee Name; Address; Social Security Number; Sex; Hire Date; Job Title; Regular Hourly Rate; Overtime Hourly Rate; Annual Salary; Pay Frequency; Annual Sick Leave Days; Annual Holidays Days; Annual Vacation Days; Exempt from Overtime; Pre-Tax Withholdings (Tax Status; Federal Allowance; 401(k) Contribution; Other); Federal, State Payroll Tax (State Tax, Local Tax, Social Security Tax, Medicare Tax); Post Tax Deductions (Insurance and Other). Payroll Calculation – Employee ID No.; Employee Name; Pay Period Start; Pay Period End; Total Hours Worked; Regular Hours; Gross Pay on Regular Hours; Holiday Hours; Vacation Hours; Sick Hours; Overtime Hours; Gross Pay on Overtime Hours; Taxable Compensation; Non-Taxable Deductions; Gross Pay; Filing Status; Allowances; Pre-Tax Withholdings (Federal Allowance Tax, 401(k) Contribution Percentage, 401(k) Contribution Amount, Other Pre-Tax Withholdings); Federal Taxable Gross; Federal, State Payroll Tax (Federal Tax, State Tax, Local Tax, Social Security Tax, Medicare Tax); Post-Tax Deductions (Insurance and Other) and Net Pay. Bi-Weekly Time Sheet - Company Name; Slogan and Logo; Department; Employee Id.; Employee Name; Employee's Phone Number; Email's Address; Manager's Name; Week Commencing; Week Ending; Project Name; Task; Days of the Week Hours Worked; Regular Hours; Overtime Hours; Sick; Vacation; Public Holidays; Other; Total Hours; Chart and Data; Employee's and Manager's Signature.
Payroll Employee RegisterMicrosoft Excel Worksheet22KBA payroll register is a report that summarizes the payments made to employees as part of a payroll. This spreadsheet enables the initial setup (registry) of employee to payroll system. Fields include: Employee ID No.; Employee Name; Address; Social Security Number; Sex; Hire Date; Job Title; Regular Hourly Rate; Overtime Hourly Rate; Annual Salary; Pay Frequency; Annual Sick Leave Days; Annual Holidays Days; Annual Vacation Days; Exempt from Overtime; Pre-Tax Withholdings (Tax Status; Federal Allowance; 401(k) Contribution; Other); Federal, State Payroll Tax (State Tax, Local Tax, Social Security Tax, Medicare Tax); Post Tax Deductions (Insurance and Other).
Profit Loss Projection - Separate TabsMicrosoft Excel Worksheet101KBComputes revenue, expenses, taxes to arrive at net income, share distribution (dividends) and net profit or loss. Fields include: Sales; Operating Expenses; Net Income Before Taxes; Taxes; Net Income After Taxes; Share Distributions/Dividends; Net Profit/Loss; and Notes.
Project ChecklistMicrosoft Excel Worksheet21KBCheck list for web development and freelance projects. Projects capital expenditure of projects to be accomplished and tracks outflow of funds. Fields include: Project Name; Task or Resource; Assigned To; Start Date; End Date; Project Status; Startup Cost; Monthly Cost; Annual Cost; and Project Notes.
Purchase OrderMicrosoft Excel Worksheet74KBA purchase order is a written authorization from a buyer to acquire goods or services. The document authorizes a supplier to deliver to the buyer at the price, quality level, delivery date, and certain other terms specified in the agreement. A purchase order is legally binding after the supplier counter-signs it. Fields include: Company Name; Slogan and Logo; Order Date; Order Number; Customer Id.; Vendor Address; Ship to Address; Shipping Method and Terms; Delivery Date; Product Code and Description; Quantity; Unit Price and Total. We offer nine color options included, or you can easily design to fit your needs.
Sales InvoiceMicrosoft Excel Worksheet72KBA seller issues an invoice to a buyer, the invoice is related to a specific sale transaction where goods or services were provided to the buyer. The intent of an invoice is either to collect payment from the buyer, or to create evidence of the sale (if payment was made in advance or in cash). If payment was made at the time of sale, the invoice is stamped "Paid" before issuing it to the buyer. Fields include: Company Name; Slogan and Logo; Invoice Date; Invoice Number; Customer Id.; Purchase Order Number; Payment Due by Date; Bill to Address; Ship to Address; Sales Person Name; Shipping Method and Terms; Due Date; Delivery Date; Product (item) Code and Description; Quantity; Unit Price; Total and Remit to Address. We offer nine color options included, or you can easily design to fit your needs.

Our web spreadsheets offer a fast, efficient and economical alternative to other competitors. We have tailor-made web spreadsheets to give you a head start on your journey to become the next internet GIANT.


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